Rotate the maze to help the locked in ball get to its friends!

This slightly more polished version of my 3 hour game jam entry contains some fixes I hadn't had time for during the jam's time frame.

The 20 levels are randomly generated at each load. Compete against your own previous High Scores! (Which are not saved across page reloads, so make sure to make a screenshot!)


  • "Play Again" works
  • Shift key function added to rotate maze more slowly
  • High Score function added
  • Time counter added
  • smoother geometry for outer rings
  • end box can't be missed anymore
  • reduced level number
  • code cleanup under the hood

Keyboard Controls:

  • rotate maze: A, D
  • rotate maze more slowly: Shift + A/D
  • camera up/down (not really needed): W, S


Made withGodot

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